科技小记者报道 | 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校 蒋添祺

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My Most Important Gain

At SenseTime

蒋添祺 上海外国语大学从属外国语学校

The experience at the SenseTime this past National Day holiday introduced me to a fascinating field I knew little about it—AI.

We first had a mini lecture given by teacher from SSP. The teacher first gave the definition of AI. AI is the abbreviation (缩写)for Artificial Intelligence and means the simulation of the human intelligence in computer systems or computer-controlled machines to think and learn like humans and mimic (模仿)their actions.

Then a tutor from SenseTime shared some new knowledge about AI, such as the origins of AI, components (元素)of AI, and examples of AI, showing that AI is no longer something rare and mysterious. Instead, it is quite common in our daily life.

Then, the tutor showed us some amazing products made by SenseTime, such as Sense MartGo, a vending machine made by the company, using AI technology to get rid of most bugs of an ordinary vending machine.

Later on, we went to the exhibition hall, where I enjoyed the most euphoric (兴高摘烈的)moments of the day.

There were complicated projects like a monitor screen of a city that could help the government find criminals and prevent catastrophes (灾害) such as fire, and another screen showing various data about cities like Shanghai and Beijing. The products that excited us the most, of course, was the driving simulator and the Chinese Chess AI robot (商汤科技研发的AI下棋机器人“元萝卜SenseRobot”). The former demonstrated how a driverless car goes on the road and allowed 14-year-old me to "drive" without a driving license. The latter convinced us of AI's great intellect by beating us in every game.

After that, we had a programming class to input code into a smart car model to steer it to run around the race tracks.

Finally, we were divided into several groups. We had discussions, made elaborate posters and did presentations about what we had learned that day. Apart from that, we also got certificates from SenseTime, entitling us as "AI programming interns".

It was an enjoyable activity, but the most important thing was my gain of knowledge on AI.






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