代言福建设计!国广一叶设计荣获2022日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋设计大奖!

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近日,日本IDPA AWARD国际前锋设想大奖赛公布了2022年度设想大奖赛获奖名单,由国广一叶设想团队倾力打造的参评做品凭仗高量量的闪现获得了评审团的高度认同。

本次大奖赛,国广一叶设想做品《生动的平静Vivid calm》斩获2022日本IDPA AWARD国际前锋设想大奖赛“ 家居空间专业奖项 ”-银奖!

▲Vivid calm

2022日本IDPA AWARD国际前锋设想大奖

2022 4th Japan IDPA AWARD

2022第四届日本IDPA AWARD国际前锋设想大奖国际评审团评审工做已于7月21日在日本东京圆满完毕,本届活动由CEIDA中欧国际设想协会、CIID88中国国际室内设想网主办,日本东京株式会社バンブー・メディア及日本建筑和内拆设想行业组织、日本闻名的设想机构和设想师结合举办。日本IDPA AWARD国际前锋设想大奖是面向全球更具国际行业出名度和行业影响力的设想师和设想机构征集的设想大奖。旨在发现表扬全球设想范畴更具立异和创造力的优良设想师和设想机构。

▲ IDPA 2022 国际评审团阵容

本届日本IDPA AWARD国际前锋设想大奖共收到来自法国、意大利、西班牙、日本、中国及港、澳、台湾等全球几十个国度地域的出名设想师和设想机构报名,申报设想做品近三千套,最末经日本国际评审团:评审团主席笈川诚先生、国际闻名设想师長谷川演先生、寶田陵先生、谷山曲義先生、五十嵐久枝密斯、笠原英里子密斯、小坂竜先生、米谷先生、永山祐子密斯参议评选,国广一叶出品做品《生动的平静》胜利荣获家居空间专业奖项-银奖!

▲IDPA 获奖证书

《生动的平静Vivid calm》品鉴

2022 4th Japan IDPA AWARD


Whole sitting room space is connected fully natural, adjust the light saturation. The light of the different point of view, weave a soft organic space.


A quiet and deep home should quietly reflect the inner world of the resident, inject the inner perception of life objects into the space to produce emotion, and present the space temperament in the eternal contemporary design aesthetics. Dark colors create a profound background, while the scenes about the life of a frame of life, slowly overflow, with a vivid calm.


All details from people's fundamental needs, quality of life as the material, pay more attention to mental and emotional value, after the screening process of heavy and complicated, from the furniture material to the color, texture, from the break up a space to determine function, arouse the correlation of various regions, different series life scenes, let a space is no longer the same cold, Into the spiritual power of space connotation. Break up to the line and detail control on, reflected a kind of relaxation degree self-confidence, linear and arc crisscross tired fold, interweave and become exquisite silk slippery transition, reveal a kind of languid lazy and comfortable.


It breaks the visual limit of middle height of the building and gives each space a larger scale relationship, making it have a unique personality and charm. If we follow the established style and design theory, we will not have a free new world, but we need to care more about the living conditions of the inhabitants. The bedroom had different expression, arc draws the outline of an art, straight line expresses feeling, firm and soft aid. The closer the design is to the essence of life, the more it can affect the deep emotional interweaving.





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代言福建设计!国广一叶设计荣获2022日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋设计大奖! 期待您的回复!
