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为了驱逐下半年CATTI测验,特推出“精译求精”栏目助力各人备考,本栏目每次将拔取部门 题源外刊、国际组织官网、政府工做陈述重点文句停止讲解,进修参考译文的构想和地道表达,二、三笔考生都适用!欢送存眷米姐一路进修!


节选自《The Economist》

原 文

All species of rhinoceros1are in trouble, as poachers2kill them to take their horns. But Sumatran rhinos are in extremis3. Fewer than 80 remain alive, and that handful is scattered between three groups in Sumatra and one in Borneo. This is terrible news for the species itself. But Kim McConkey and Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz at the University of Nottingham, in Britain, think it has wider ramifications4—for, as they explain in a paper5in Biotropica6, several plant species also depend on Sumatran rhinos for their survival.

A large proportion of7a Sumatran rhino’s diet is fruit. The evolutionary8bargain9betwee nfrugivores10and plants is that the plants coat11indigestible seeds with tasty and nutritious pulp as payment for the frugivores’ dispersal12of those seeds by defecation13far from the plant that produced them. Some plants, indeed, go further14. Their seeds will no tgerminate15unless they have passed through an animal’s digestive system. This arrangement works well as long as suitable frugivores are available. But for plants with large seeds, these16need to be big animals. And of those, there may be a restricted supply.

译 文

因为偷猎者为得犀牛角而偷猎犀牛,所有品种的犀牛都陷进了窘境。但苏门答腊犀牛却陷进了绝境。目前苏门答腊犀牛仅存不到80头,此中有三群散布在苏门答腊,一群散布在婆罗州。那关于那个物种自己来说是个可怕的动静。但英国诺丁汉大学的金•麦肯基(Kim McConkey)和阿欣萨•坎波斯-阿尔兹(Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz)认为那一工作具有更普遍的影响——因为正如他们在《热带生物》上的一篇论文中阐明的那样,一些动物物种的保存也有赖于苏门答腊犀牛。


词 汇 解 释

1. rhinoceros [raɪˈnɒsərəs]:n.犀;犀牛。(简称为rhino)

2. poacher:n. 偷猎者;侵略者。

3. in extremis [ˌɪn ɪkˈstriːmɪs]:在求助紧急形态中;临末;在濒死之际。

4. ramification [ˌræmɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]:n. 衍生物;分枝/收流;(衍生的)成果/影响。


例: The book analyses the social and political ramifications of AIDS for the gay community.


5. paper:n.(研究)论文;文章。


6. Biotropica:n.《热带生物》。由热带生物庇护协会出书,是有关所有热带生态系统的生态学、庇护和治理以及有关热带生物的进化、行为和种群生物学的原始研究的极重要的材料来源。

7. a large proportion of:很大一部门。

8. evolutionary:adj.进化论的;进化学的;进化的。

9. bargain:n.协议;交易。

10. frugivore [ˈfruːdʒəvɔː]:n.食果动物。



11. coat:vt. 给……涂上;用……笼盖。

例:The bookshelves were coated with red paint. 书架涂上了红漆。

12. dispersal:n.分离;传布;散播。

13. defecation [ˌdefəˈkeɪʃn; ˌdiːfəˈkeɪʃn]:n. 排便;廓清;净化。

14. go further:走得更远。

15. germinate:vt. vi.(使)抽芽/萌芽;(使)生长。


16. these = these frugivores。

句 子 点 拨

1. Fewer than 80 remain alive, and that handful is scattered between three groups in Sumatra and one in Borneo.



点拨:本句紧随前两句,句子理解难度不大,但句子很简洁。此中fewer than 80后面省略了rhinos,第二小句that handful后面省略了of rhinos。译一完全曲译,并且没译出原文潜在的意思,即苏门答腊犀牛数量之少;并且第小句中that handful过火曲译。译二是在译一根底上,针对以上问题得出的 意译译文。

2. But Kim McConkey and Ahimsa Campos-Arceizat the University of Nottingham, in Britain, think it has wider ramifications— for, as they explain in a paper in Biotropica, several plant species also depend on Sumatran rhinos for their survival.

但英国诺丁汉大学的金•麦肯基(Kim McConkey)和阿欣萨•坎波斯-阿尔兹(Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz)认为那一工作具有更普遍的影响——因为正如他们在《热带生物》上的一篇论文中阐明的那样,一些动物物种的保存也有赖于苏门答腊犀牛。

点拨:本句主干为划线部门。此中at the University of Nottingham, in Britain是主语Kim McConkey and Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz的 后置定语;后面灰底部门是主句的 原因状语从句,此中as they explain in a paper in Biotropica是for从句的 比力状语从句。

3. The evolutionary bargainbetween frugivores and plants is that the plants coat indigestible seeds with tasty and nutritious pulp as paymentfor the frugivores’ dispersal of those seeds by defecation far from the plant that produced them.


点拨:本句主干为划线部门,此中between ... and ...是主语bargain的 后置定语;is后面(曲至句末)是主句的 宾语从句。宾语从句的构造是the plants coat ... with ... and ... as payment for ...,此中for the frugivores’ dispersal of those seeds by defecation是payment的 表目标的 后置定语,of those seeds和by defecation别离是dispersal的 后置定语和 体例状语;far from the plant that produced them是defecation的 地点状语,that从句是plant的 定语从句。

4. And of those, there may be a restricted supply.


点拨:本句紧承前句,此中of those (frugivores)是supply的 后置定语,但被提早了,提早的目标是为了 强调of those。

and:conj. 但是,不外。


例1:Learning becomes more and more difficult as we get older. 年纪越大,进修就越困难。 (表强调)

例2:The whole equipment can be assembled and disassembled in a few hours. 整台机器可在数小时内安拆完或拆卸掉。 (表抉择)

例3:I have read his book and I don't understand it. 我读过他的书,但是我不睬解。 (表转折)



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