【“英”你出色】English Show第二季第四期

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Last week Mrs. Mills went to London.

She does not know London very well, and she lost her way.

Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop.

“I can ask him the way.” she said to herself.

“Excuse me,”she said.

“Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?”

The man smiled pleasantly.

He did not understand English!

He spoke German.

He was a tourist.

Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrase book.

He opened the book and found a phrase.

He read the phrase slowly.

“I am sorry.” he said.

“I do not speak English.”


As a primary school student, it is important for us to develop a good learning habit. Vocabulary learning should not be isolated, simply reciting words. For example, we usually recite the word "what" in this way, "what…what…" In this way, we only remember a sequence of letters without knowing the meaning and usage of the word. Actually it is more effective to memorize the word in a context. For example, we learn the word in sentences “What is your name?” or “May I know your name?” Then we won't easily forget it. This is my strategy of vocabulary learning. Hope it is helpful for you too.

万二第二季English Show

Come on and enjoy the show!


初审:倪亚欣 白文娥



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