诺奖得主鲍勃迪伦Blowin in the Wind九星自制伴奏翻唱

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  Bob Dylan得了诺贝尔文学奖,比来买了他的书,轮回着他的歌。特殊喜欢那首。懒得在网上搜伴奏了,痛快本身编了一个伴奏来唱唱。



  吉他音色:Steel Fngered

  节拍型:B46 Basic 4/4拍 67ending

  色彩乐音:Tinny Vibes

  Blowing In The Wind

  原唱:Bob Dylan



  How many roads must a man walk down

  Before you call him a man

  How many seas must a white dove sail

  Before she sleeps in the sand

  How many times must the cannon balls fly

  Before they're forever banned

  The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind

  The answer is blowing in the wind

  How many years can a mountain exist

  Before it is washed to the sea

  How many years can some people exist

  Before they're allowed to be free

  How many times can a man turn his head

  And pretend that he just doesn't see

  The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind

  The answer is blowing in the wind

  How many times must a man look up

  Before he can see the sky

  How many ears must one man have

  Before he can hear people cry

  How many deaths will it take 'Till he knows

  that too many people have died

  The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind

  The answer is blowing in the wind



诺奖得主鲍勃迪伦Blowin in the Wind九星自制伴奏翻唱 期待您的回复!
