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  1.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; You can’t go forward in life until you let go of your past failures.最光亮的将来,老是成立在遗忘的过往之上;只要忘掉过往的失败,你才气勇往曲前。


  2.If you don’t like my attitude, ok,think of it this way, God didn’t create me to please you.假设你不喜欢我的立场就拉倒吧,天主创造我可不是为了取悦你的!

  (我们不是钞票,不克不及让每小我都喜欢,也没需要!Just follow your heart and be yourself !)

  3. Do not live for the expectations of people around you. Live for yourself, for your dreams, for your happiness!不要为了他人的期看而活,要为本身而活,为了本身的梦想,本身的幸福!

  (Remember ,always be the one who you really are !记住了,永久做你本身!因为那个角色世界上只要你做得更好!)

  4.Don't be scared. whatever happens, it's gonna be fine.不要恐惧,不管发作什么,一切城市没事的。


  5.Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. 对过往无怨无悔,对如今满怀自信心,对将来无所恐惧。


  After 20 years, legendary martial artist Wong Fei-hung has hit the big screen again. In Rise of the Legend, which will be released this Friday, Taiwan actor Eddie Peng debuts a younger, cooler version of the Chinese “superhero”.

  20年后,武术巨匠黄飞鸿的传奇故事又要重登大银幕了!在今天上映的《黄飞鸿之英雄有梦》中,台湾当红小生彭于晏扮演那位中国版 “超等英雄”,诠释酷炫与朝气并存的黄飞鸿。

  Handsome though Peng is, audiences’ focus and expectations will probably still be on how he reinterprets the character in fight scenes. His predecessors are great martial arts stars Jet Li ( Once Upon a Time in China, in 1991) and Jackie Chan (Drunken Master, in 1978), and the 32-year-old admits he felt an “immense pressure” while playing the role.


  “I knew that I had to make desperate efforts since I’m not particularly talented. In all of 2013, I didn’t waste a single day, I just practiced and practiced. Every night when I was lying in bed, I felt my legs and arms no longer belonged to me,” Peng said at a press conference when promoting the movie in Shanghai.


  He suffered numerous injuries during the movie’s production. His right hand swelled when he tried to break a stone pillar in half bare-handed.


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