指环王 说白袍“弃明投暗”的话

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  你是说那是他两打骂然后斗法那段吧,很简单,那是台词和翻译(: “For that is why you have come,is it not? My old friend。”老伴侣,你就是为了那件事来找我?



“You are sure of this?”你能确定吗?

“Beyond any doubt。”确切不移。

“So the Ring of Power has been found?”至尊魔戒被发现了吗?

“All these long years,it was in the Shire。


“Under my very nose。”就在我的面前。

“Yet you did not have the wit to see it。”你却不断没有重视到它。

“Your love of the halfling’s leaf has clearly slowed your mind。”半身人的烟草熏坏了你的眼睛。

“But we still have time。

  Time enough to counter Sanron if we act quickly。”但还来得及,还有时间匹敌索伦的权力。

“Time?” “What time do you think we have?”我们哪来的时间?

“Sauron has regained much of his former strength。


“He cannot yet take physical form but his spirit has lost none of its potency。”固然他的体力没有完全恢复,但他的灵魂仍有很强大的魔力。

“Concealed within his fortress,the Lord of Mordor sees all。”固然他被封在要塞中,但是他却无所不知。

“His gaze pierces cloud,shadow,earth and flesh。


“You know of what I speak,Gandalf。”甜道夫,你晓得我在说什么吗?

“A Great Eye,lidless,wreathed in flame。


“The Eye of Sauron。”索伦之眼。

“He is gathering all evil to him。”他正在聚集险恶力量。

“Very soon,he’ll have summoned an army,great enough for an assault upon Middle-earth。


“You know this?”你晓得那些? “How?”怎么会?

“I have seen it。”我亲眼看到。

“A palantir is a dangerous too,Saruman。


“Why?”“Why should we fear to use it?”为什么要恐惧利用它。

“They are not all accounted for,the lost Seeing-stones。


“We do not know who else may be watching。”我们不晓得有谁也在看。

“The hour is later than you think。


“Sauron’s forces are already moving。”索伦的动作已经展开。

“The Nine have left Minas Morgul。”那九个已经分开米纳斯魔窟。

“The Nine?”那九个?

“They crossed the River Isen on Midsummer’s Eve disguised as riders in black。”他们在仲夏夜假装成黑骑士逾越埃辛河。

“The’re reached the Shire?”他们已经到了夏尔?

“They will find the Ring。”他们会找到至尊魔戒。

“And kill the one who carries it。



“You did not seriously think that a Hobbit could contend with the will of Sauron?”你认为哈比人能匹敌索伦吗?

“There are none who can。


“Against the power of Mordor there can be no victory。”谁也没有匹敌魔多的力量。

“We must join with them,Gandalf。


“We must join with Sauron。”我们必需投靠索伦。

“It would be wise,my friend。”那么做才最伶俐。

“Tell me,friend,when did Saruman the Wise abandon reason for madness?”告诉我伴侣,智者萨鲁曼几时发疯了?

“I gave you the chance of aiding me willingly but you elected the way of pain!”我给你时机自愿帮我,但是你却甘愿抉择受苦。



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