Hi, everyone! We are a group of four students from Duke Kunshan University majoring in Media & Arts. In this Zhihu platform, we will post a series of articles focusing on the topic of "Sentient City".
现实上,感智城市那个词并不是曲译而来,其在英文中的原名为“Sentient City”,即“有感知的城市”。但为了“让城市有感知”,即实现“可以搜集人们的行为信息,并关于人们的行为有所反应”那一目的,往往需要情况智能与大量科技的参与。在那一点上,其又与聪慧城市(Smart City)的部门理念不约而合。因而,我们将“感”与“智”连系,缔造出了那一词语:既是人们感知城市,亦是城市感知人们,而聪慧科技是实现那一目标的体例。我们认为,那一类城市的开展应能成为使人们生活程度更进一步的鞭策力,让城市情况与人们的生活相得益彰。
In fact, the concept of "sentient city" involves the participation of ambient intelligence and modern technologies. By "sentient," it collects peoples behaviors and provides feedbacks. We consider that the development of "sentient cities" can make cities more able to provide people with a better life.
In this Zhihu account, we wish that we could explore the essence of sentient cities with everyone in front of the screen. Meanwhile, by case-studying successful modern architectures and ambient intelligence techniques, we hope to investigate approaches to enabling cities as sentient as well as the reasons for doing that. Yet we need to give sentient city a more accurate definition.
哈佛大学传授马克·谢巴德(Mark Shapard)在他的研究中将“感智城市”定义为“一种利用新型建筑质料,由光、声和其他城市通信形式构成的城市动态”。那必然义从手艺层面动身,而他还告诉了我们感智城市所需要的一些科技与实体要素:静态通信,挪动通信,语言和非语言通信,标记与符号。那些要素能使生活在 “感智城市” 中的人们“睹其形,闻其声,不雅其变”,感触感染到城市的科技与变革。
Mark Shepard (Assistant Professor at Harvard University) defined "Sentient City" in his research as "materials of a new architecture, an urban dynamic compose of light, sound, and other form of urban communications: static communications + mobile communications+ verbal and non-verbal communications+signs +symbols." People living in this "Sentient City" could "watch it happen, listen to the sound, and see it flow." This definition starts from the technical level and illustrates the technological elements required in a sentient city.
Mike Crang (Head of Department in the Department of Geography at Durham University), identified "Sentient City" as "a world where we not only think of cities but cities think of us, where the environment reflexively monitors our behavior.”This definition well explains what a sentient city is and how information and humans interact in this sort of city.
综上,我们希望能对“感智城市”那一概念停止进一步的梳理。我们认为“感智城市”能够被定义为:一个信息不竭交换的聪慧城市,城市自己与其内部设备会通过科技随时领受外界的讯息(来自人们的行为信息),并按照人们行为的变革而做出适应与改动 。
In summary, we hope to further clarify the concept of a "sentient city". We believe that a "sentient city" can be defined as a smart city with continuous happenings of informational exchanges within. The city itself and its internal technologies will receive information from people via sounds, light, etc., and adapt to changes in peoples endeavors.
Below, we hope that through some real-life examples, we can further illustrate the concept of a "sentient city". Even though the cities using these technologies may not fully reach the level of "sentient cities", these technologies themselves can indeed help realize this concept.
现在,在国内普遍运用并使得各人“心惊胆战”的闯红灯摄影,事实上便能表现那一理念。 那一手艺将人脸识别功用用于取缔违规违法行为;当有闯红灯的行为发作时,系统会主动逃踪并捕获挪动中的人脸,赐与违规者警示提醒并将影像录下并上传至公安部分,做为日后开罚单的根据 。而在部门城市有所普及的"行人过街提醒系统"亦是如斯。当今,边走路边滑手机的“垂头族”数量大幅增加。在运用有那类手艺的斑马线旁,会增置有智能交通信号灯,其会按照主干道的交通信号灯来同步变革颜色。若是检测到行人的闯红灯行为,讯号灯会发出警示音来停止劝导,以至通过投影等体例调整行人所见到的气象(如:斑马线)。
Using Shanghais "Running Redlight Detection System" as an example, this technology can actually embody the concept. This technology uses face recognition to control violations of traffic laws and regulations; when someone runs a red light, the system will automatically track and capture the moving face, record the footage of the crime, and give warnings to the offender. Then, it will upload the image to the police department, which will serve as proof of regulation violation. The "Zebra Crossing Alert System" is another example. With the number of "head down people" walking and playing cell phones spontaneously increasing, smart traffic lights are attached to some zebra crossings of certain cities in China. They will change colors in synchronization with the traffic lights on the main road. If the pedestrians red-light running behavior is detected, the signal light will emit a warning alert. Specific devices are even able to adjust the projection of warning based on peoples behaviors.
Here is another example: the electric vehicle identification system developed by KONE, an elevator company. Since the illegal parking of non-motor vehicles in corridors within buildings has been seriously endangering the fire safety of residents, KONE inputs thousands of bicycles, electric car brand model input its system. Hence, when the bicycles or electric vehicles are pushed into the elevator, the elevator doors will automatically remain open, and a broadcast that prohibits bicycles and electric vehicles from parking in the corridor will be emitted. This kind of "sentient city" technology is to identify peoples behaviors by identifying the tools people use and then react to their behaviors in this way.
This article introduces the concept of a "sentient city" so that everyone can better understand its meaning. In the next article, we will introduce some cases from other countries and further introduce to you the technologies and architectures involved.