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不外想必各人都传闻了比来“add oil”进入牛津词典的动静:

感激呈现在quotation里的 Hong Kong Surgeon, Strait Times (Singapore), South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) and China Daily (Hong Kong ed.)等各类前言尽心尽力地勤奋

那刚好就验证了语言的开展的一句话“an increase in the number of non-native speakers in a language can lead to changes in morphological rules.”(Cuskley et al., 2015) 语言的开展老是与时俱进的。


Chinglish, China English and Chinese English

别小看那三个词的微妙不同,他们反响的是三个差别境界的中国人英语才能。出名语言学家Meagan Eaves(2011)的描述,是那么定义那三种语言形态的:


Chinglish是中文利用者用英文词汇,根据中文发音和语律例律构成的英语语言,试图切近英文尺度,但遗漏良多。与Chinese English比照,不克不及算是一种可理解的语言…只能算是由不成熟的利用者或翻译东西产生的英语测验考试。



Chinese English

Chinese English是一种fluency level的进修者说出来的略带错误的英语,已经很切近英语的规则了。那里次要有三个方面的特点,别离是借用中文的形态、通过英文形态拓展,以及用已知的语法表达


You bring us happy. Where have you where have happy.


But this year, I know, in the future, if you don’t speak English, you can’t find a good work. So now I study English very carefully, and I want everyone can help me.

操纵已知语法China English

可见,China English已经被上升到了一种一般的在英文文化多样性的拓展上,是在操纵尺度的英语来表达中国的文化!有三个特点:

varied pronunciation and accent, particular lexical items 经本土化的发音与口音,尤其是语言词汇上的an idiosyncratic syntax 中国特色的语言组织distinct discourse varieties 富有中国特点的演说/阐述varied pronunciation and accent, particular lexical items 经本土化的发音与口音


/θ/ → /s/因为中文里没有咬舌/θ/

/ð/ → /z/ or /ð/ → /d/原因同上

/kæt/→ /kætə/,爆破音结尾加/ə/

autonomous region自治区

colour wolf色狼

dragon boat龙舟

little red cap小红帽

Mid-Autumn festival 中秋节

one country two systems 一国两造

red envelope 红包

special administrative region 出格行政区


an idiosyncratic syntax 中国特色的语言组织


As I am currently in China with an ABQ delegation doing projects of business, medical consulting, fashion-textile design, and Chinese investment to the US, I could not come myself.


I could not come myself, as I am currently in China with an ABQ delegation doing projects [. . .]


Because he can not reply you in time, I contact you directly. I hope my English won’t let you down.


distinct discourse varieties 富有中国特点的演说/阐述


Salutation: Hello . . .

Facework: I am [author] (I am Chinese), the colleague of [name] (our foreign advisor). Because he can not reply you in time, I contact you directly. I hope my English won’t let you down.

Reason/Justification: It was a long time since my last mail. We are so glad to hear the news that you agree to write for us. Your experience and story is very valuable for our website and tourists. We are hoping to get your story as soon as possible. We will pay you due the time we got the story. [sic] So don’t worry about that. We have been in business since 1998 and enjoy high reputation home and abroad. I appreciate your writing style and creative idea. It is a happy experience to write to you.

Request: So could you tell me how many stories do you have in hand or be going to write? What price do you charge for your story? When can you finish your story and send it or them to us?

Sign off: I am looking forward to your reply!

Best wishes,


阐发下构造,起首,演讲人问候并致敬,接下来就起头做facework:自谦为先,再接下来,夸赞对方的experience and story,赏识对方的writing style与缔造性,再最初提出些询问,结尾。


Chinglish<Chinese English<China English

一些常用且已被公承认行的Chinglish/Chinese English/China English集锦


2.1 香港地域

Shroff [shrof] noun, a banker, cashier or money changer, and also an expert employed to test the base metals of coinage. 来自1800年代一家从印度来到香港的家庭,其后嗣Jal Shroff后将印度的Western Union-esque 货币转账营业带到了香港,后拓展到整个东亚Nullah: [nuhl-uh] noun, 也是来源于印度,意味香港独有的下水道Cumshaw [kuhm-shaw] noun, 小恩小惠,a classic example of pidgin English, a distinct language in itself and the source of many Hong Kong English words.Godown: [goh-doun] noun, 小仓库It was adapted in Hong Kong from the Malay word gudang, according to Robert Bauer, an HKU professor and expert on Hong Kong linguistics.Chop: [chop] noun, 图章、印章,公函答应章a seal or impression, stamp or signature, and even a trademark in Hong Kong English. It was also used to denote a legally binding official document or public permit.Amah: [ah-muh] noun, 当地劳动妇女,类似于通俗话“阿姨”a female domestic worker. The word came into use in Hong Kong in the 19th century from the Portuguese ama ("nurse", "wet nurse" or "nanny"), according to Bauer. Nicole Constable, author of Maid to Order in Hong Kong: Stories of Migrant Workers, however, argues that it is a derivative of the old Chinese " ah mah" (阿媽). The word was also commonly adopted in Indian dialects of English as " ayah" and features in the works of British writer Rudyard Kipling.Add oil: [add oil!] verb, 外表上是上光滑油,其实是加油打气literally to lubricate, but used more as an idiom to encourage a team or person. The term has long been limited to the Chinese " ga yao!" (加油), after originating as a cheer at the Macau Grand Prix in the 60s, but Hong Kong is increasingly using the English transliteration.Hea/chur: [Hea middle tone/chur, middle tone] adjectives, 简单容易/严厉困难easy, relaxed or lenient, and hard or strict, respectively. The terms were developed by HKU students to describe their courses.Locust: [lo-cust] noun, 大陆客(带贬义,描述大陆客簇拥香港买工具争夺当地资本)referring to tourists from the mainland and meant to connote both masses and a drain on local resources. The word is derogatory and originated during shortages of powdered milk, which were blamed on mainland parallel traders. It first appeared in the South China Morning Post in March 2011.Fryer/fry stock: [frahy-er] noun, (依靠浮夸的留言而非现实盈利才能)订价的股票identifies a financial investment that has value mostly based on its buzz rather than its underlying earnings; can be interchanged with "wok stock".

2.2 从通俗话衍生

You can you up, no zuo no BB= if you cant do it then dont even criticize itNo zuo no dieGuanggun (cited by The Economist)= bare branches, or men who will not add to the family tree) to refer to the "overaged" single maleDama (cited by WSJ)Tuhao (cited by BBC)Fengshui (admitted in Oxford Dictionary)Maotai (admitted in Oxford Dictionary)Ganbu (admitted in Oxford Dictionary)

2.3 英文里源自中文的词语 (from Wikipedia)






Bland. D. (2015) Add oil! The evolution of Hong Kong English, and where our unique words come from. Available at: https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/long-reads/article/2169154/man-who-has-eaten-more-7300-chinese-restaurants

China Daily USA (2014) Chinglish Gains Popularity Overseas. Available at: http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/life/2014-05/12/content_17501472.htm

Cuskley, C., Colaiori, F., Castellano, C., Loreto, V., Pugliese, M., Tria, F. (2015) ‘The adoption of linguistic rules in native and non-native speakers: Evidence from a Wug task’ Journal of Memory and Language, 84, pp205-223, ELSEVIER [Online]. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749596X15000790

Eaves, M. (2011) ‘English, Chinglish or China English?’ English Today: The International Review of English Language, 27 (4[108]), pp64-70. [Online]. Available at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/english-today/article/english-chinglish-or-china-english/AA9B6BAFDEBEE013D8DD2777C9F3620B DOI: 10.1017/S0266078411000563

Wikipedia (2010) List of English words of Chinese origin. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_words_of_Chinese_origin

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