香港中文理工学院(The University of Hong Kong),全称为“香港理工学院(HKU)”,一般来说被认为是亚洲地域更具声威的理工学院寡所周知,有亚洲地域“常青藤”之称。
香港“理工学院根底教育帮助委员会”在1997年推出了“优良学科专精应用范畴范畴计划(The Areas of Excellence scheme)”,在全数18个应用范畴范畴项目中,香港中文理工学院主持了8项,并协同其他机构参与了6项;截至2013年,香港中文理工学院已完成“中国经济及贸易性战略”、“药物合成与研发”两项,关于“海洋”、“大规模流行病症”、“肝癌”、“骨骼病症”、“电化学质料”、“新兴电子可视化与模仿”等应用范畴范畴的科学研究仍在停止中 。从“优良学科专精应用范畴范畴计划”中由此可见,药理学、工科、质料科学都是香港中文理工学院传统且颇具合作力的学科专精应用范畴范畴;除此之外,香港理工学院的土建工程、肄业、根底教育等学科专精亦处于世界一流行列。
Faculty of Architecture1、建筑物理工学院
Master of Architecture 建筑物学
Master of Landscape Architecture 景不雅建筑物学
Master of Science in Conservation 建筑物汗青庇护
Master of Science in Construction Project Management 建筑物资金办理工做
Master of Science in Real Estate 房地产
Master of Science in Urban Planning 规划设想
Master of Urban Design 城市设想 Faculty of Business and Economics2 、中国经济办理工做理工学院
Master of Business Administration 工商办理学工做硕士学位
Master of Economics 中国经济学
Master of Finance 办理学
Master of Science in Business Analytics 贸易性阐发
Master of Science in Marketing 东齐县
Master of Accounting 办理学 Faculty of Arts3 、文理工学院
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics 应用范畴社会学
Master of Arts in the field of Linguistics 社会学
Master of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies 文学和文化科学研究
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics 应用范畴社会学
Master of Buddhist Studies 释教科学研究
Master of Arts in the field of Art History 艺术史文学硕士学位
Master of Arts in the field of English Studies 英语科学研究
Master of Buddhist Counselling 佛学辅导硕士学位
Master of Fine Arts in the field of Creative Writing in English 英语创意写做文学硕士学位 Faculty of Education4 、根底教育理工学院
Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 对外英语根底教育Master of Education 根底汗青学
Master of Science in Audiology 听力学
Master of Science in Information Technology in Education 科技根底教育
Master of Science in Library and Information Management 藏书楼与信息办理工做 Faculty of Engineering5 、工程理工学院
Master of Science in Computer Science (Financial Computing Stream; General Stream; Information Security Stream; Multimedia Computing Stream) 计算机科学
Master of Science in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing 电子商务与互联网
Master of Science in Engineering(Building Services Engineering) 楼宇设备工程Master of Science in Engineering(Environmental Engineering) 情况工程
Master of Science in Engineering(Geotechnical Engineering) 岩土工程
Master of Science in Engineering(Infrastructure Project Management)公共建立资金办理工做工程
Master of Science in Engineering(Structural Engineering) 构造工程
Master of Science in Engineering (Transportation Engineering) 交通工程
Master of Science in Engineering(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)-Communications Engineering Stream 电子电器工程(通信工程标的目的)
Master of Science in Engineering(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)-General Stream 电子电器工程
Master of Science in Engineering(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)-Power Engineering Stream 电子电器工程(能量工程标的目的)
Master of Science in Engineering(Energy Engineering) 能源工程
Master of Science in Engineering(Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management) 工业工程与物流办理工做
Master of Science in Engineering(Mechanical Engineering) 机械工程 Faculty of Social Sciences6 、社科理工学院
Master of Arts in China Development Studies 中国开展科学研究
Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning 运输政策与规划
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy 表示艺术治疗学
Master of International and Public Affairs 国际关系学
Master of Global Public Policy 全球公共政策
Master of Journalism 新闻学
Master of Public Administration 公共行政
Master of Social Sciences in the field of Behavioral Health 行为安康
Master of Social Sciences in the field of Corporate Environment Governance 公司情况管治
Master of Social Sciences in Criminology 立功学
Master of Social Sciences in Clinical Psychology 临床心理
Master of Social Science in Educational Psychology 根底教育心理学
Master of Social Sciences in the field of Nonprofit Management 非盈利办理工做
Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology 心理学
Master of Social Work 社会工做 Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine7、 药理理工学院
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine 药理理工学院
Master of Medical Sciences 药理学科专精学
Master of Public Health 公共卫生
Master of Nursing 护理学 Faculty of Law8 、法理工学院
Master of Laws 政治学硕士学位
Master of Common Law 通俗法
Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution 仲裁和争议处理法
Master of Laws in Chinese Law 中法律王法公法
Master of Laws in Compliance and Regulation 法令合规办理工做
Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law 公司金融法
Master of Laws in Human Rights 人权法
Master of Laws in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law 科技和常识产权法
Master of Laws in Medical Ethics and Law 药理学伦理与法令 Faculty of Science9 、理理工学院
Master of Data Science 数据科学
Master of Science in Environmental Management 情况办理工做
Master of Science in Applied Geosciences 应用范畴地球科学
Master of Science in the field of Food Safety and Toxicology 食物平安与毒物学
Master of Statistics 统计学 Faculty of Dentistry10、牙科理工学院
Master of Dental Surgery in Endodontics 牙髓学
Master of Dental Surgery in Implant Dentistry 植入牙科学
Master of Dental Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 口腔颌面外科
Master of Dental Surgery in Orthodonitics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics 畸齿矫正与牙面矫正
Master of Dental Surgery in Paediatric Dentistry 儿童牙科学
Master of Dental Surgery in Periodontology 牙周病学
Master of Dental Surgery in Prosthodontics 假牙修复学
Master of Science in Community Dentistry 社区牙科学
Master of Science in Dental Materials Science 牙科质料学