H7N9 的「四个台阶都移位,就会招致人传人」是什么意思?

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…The key concerns about the current outbreak of influenza A H7N9 virus are how the virus crosses the species barrier and whether it will further adapt to enable efficient person-to-person transmission. Sequence analysis showed that the human H7 had aminoacid substitutions associated with increased affi nity for the human α-2,6-linked sialic acid receptor.27 However, binding to the α-2,3-linked sialic acid receptor is likely to be retained, allowing the virus to circulate in poultry and infect human lower-respiratory-tract mucosae, which contain both types of receptor.1 Shortening of the N stalk region of H5N1 viruses

enhanced adaptation to land-based poultry.28 An important virus protein, PB2, in combination with two other viral proteins, PB1 and PA, comprise the viral RNA polymerase complex. PB2 is an important determinant of the host range and virulence of infl uenza viruses. Two aminoacids in PB2, 627Lys and 701Asn, have previously been detected in H5N1 viruses isolated from people. Coupled 627Lys–701Asp or 627Glu–701Asn substitutions were thought to be important for efficient transmission.Although we did not note Glu627Lys substitution in PB2 in our human isolate, we did record Asp701Asn substitution. Another study14 of the current H7N9 outbreak detailed three cases of infection in Shanghai and Anhui, China; the viral isolates showed Glu627Lys mutation. We noted neither genetic signature for mammalian adaptation—ie, Gln226Leu and Asp701Asn—in the chicken isolate, which suggests that this genetic adaptation might have occurred after the virus jumped from the chicken to the patient.

Ser31Asn mutation (associated with adamantane resistance) was noted, but neuraminidase inhibitors, including oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir, should still be active if given early in the course of illness. One patient did not receive any antivirals and three patients received oseltamivir more than 5 days after onset of symptoms. We do not know whether oseltamivir resistance will emerge (as was the case with the H5N1 virus) because the last H7N9-positive sample from patient 2 was not tested for oseltamivir resistance after 5 days of oseltamivir treatment. Delayed initiation of oseltamivir treatment and use of corticosteroids have been associated with slow decreases in viral load and poor outcomes.23 In 2003, an H7N7 virus, which contained the multibasic aminoacid motif associated with virulence and the genetic marker for mammalian adaptation (Glu627Lys) caused one fatal infection in the Netherlands.4 Other severe human infections with the H7 subtype had not been reported before the current H7N9 outbreak


Previous surveillance studies have shown the H7N3 virus to be present in domestic ducks in Zhejiang.30 Avian H7 subtype viruses are likely to have become established in domestic poultry in Zhejiang. Interaction between newly established H7 subtypes and other avian influenza viruses, such as the H9N2 subtype, might have resulted in the current H7N9 strain, which has gained some ability to infect human beings. Further adaptation could lead to less symptomatic infection and more efficient person-to-person transmission. Aggressive intervention to block further animal-to-person transmission in live poultry markets, as has previously been done in HongKong, should be considered. Temporary closure of live bird markets and comprehensive programmes of surveillance, culling, improved biosecurity, segregation of diff erent poultry species, and possibly vaccination programmes to control H7N9 virus infection in poultry seem necessary to halt evolution of the virus into a pandemic agent.









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