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1、英文字根的字根总览 2、英国大学媒体研究专业排名几? 3、MySql数据类型有哪些 4、二战中美国现实的参战潜艇数目总共有几艘,详细的弦号及名称是什么! 英文字根的字根总览


1、(a)esthet = feeling 觉得

2、abl, abili = able 才能

3、acid, acri, acrid, acu = sour, sharp 尖,酸,锐,利

4、acro = top 顶点,高点

5、act = to do, to drive 动作,做

6、aer, aero, aeri = air 空气,充气

7、ag = do, act 做,代办署理做

8、agog = lead 引导

9、agon = struggle 挣扎,斗争

10、agri, agro, agr = field, land 田地,农业

11、alb = white 白色

12、alg = pain 痛

13、alt = high 高

14、alter, altern, ali = other, to change 其他的,改动形态

15、am, amor, amat = love 爱,情爱

16、ambul = walk 行走,走路

17、ampl = large 大

18、anci, antiq = old 古老

19、andro = male, man 汉子

20、anim = life, spirit 生命,精神

21、ann, enn = year 年,一年

22、anthrop = man, human 人,人类

23、apt, ept = fit, ability 适应,才能

24、aqu = water 水

25、arbit(r) = judge 揣度

26、arc(h) = bow 弓

27、arch, archy = ruler, rule, chief 统治者,统治,次要的

28、arm = weapon 兵器

29、art = skill, joint, trick 身手 ,关节,阴谋

30、astro, aster = star 星星

31、audi, audit = hear 听

32、aug = increase 增加

33、av, avar, avi = desire, bird 期看 ,鸟

34、ball, bol = throw, dance, ball 抛,舞,球

35、balm = balsam 香油

36、ban = prohibit 制止

37、bar = weight 重,压

38、barr = stick 棒,栏

39、bas, base = low, foundation 低下,根底

40、bat = beat 打,击

41、bell, bel = war, fight 战争 ,斗殴

42、biblio = book 书

43、bio, bi = life 生命,生物

44、blanc = white 白

45、brace = two arms两臂

46、braid = twist 扭

47、brev, bridg = short 短,缩短

48、bu = ox 牛

49、cad, cas, cid = fall 落下,降临

50、calc = stone 石头

51、calori = heat 热

52、camp = field 田野

53、cand = white, glow 白,发光

54、cant, cent = sing, song 唱,歌

55、cap, capt, cept, ceive, cip, cup = take, hold, seize 拿,挠 ,握住

56、cap, cipit = head 头

57、car, char = dear 心爱的

58、card, chart = paper 纸片

59、card, cord = heart 心脏,一致

60、carn = flesh 肉,肉欲

61、cast = pure 纯真

62、cav = hole 洞

63、ced, ceed, cess = go 行走,前进

64、celer = quick, speed 快,速

65、cens = judge 揣度

66、cent = hundred 一百

67、centr = center 中心

68、cern, cert, cret = sure, separate 搞清,区别

69、chor = dance, sing 歌,舞

70、chrom = color 颜色

71、chron = time 时间

72、cid, cis = cut, kill 切开,杀

73、cil(i) = call 召集

74、circ, cycl = ring, circle 圆,环

75、cit = quote, call 引用,唤起

76、civ = citizen 公民

77、claim, clam = cry out, shout 唤 喊,喊 喊

78、clear, clar, clair = clear, bright 清晰 ,大白

79、clin, cliv = lean, slope 侵斜,斜坡

80、clos,clud, clus = close 封闭

81、coct = cook 煮,调配

82、cogn = know 晓得

83、com = banquet 宴会

84、commod = convenient 便利

85、cond = hide 躲

86、corn = horn 角

87、corp, corpor = body 身体,团体

88、cosm(o) = world 世界,宇宙

89、cracy = rule 统治或政体

90、crat = ruler统治者

91、cre, creas = grow, make 增长,产生

92、creed, cred = believe, trust 相信 ,相信

93、crit, cris = judge, discern 揣度 ,辨认

94、cruc, crus, crux = cross 十字形,穿插

95、cryo = cold 冷,冻

96、crypt = secret, hidden 奥秘 ,隐躲

97、cub, cumb = lie down 躺

98、culp = fault 错,功

99、cult = till 耕种,培育提拔

100、cumber = barrier躺的工具,障碍

101、cur = care 关心

102、cur, curr, curs, cour, cours = run 跑,发作

103、cuss = shake 摇动

104、custom = habit 习惯

105、cyn = dog 狗

106、dem(o) = people 人民,人们

107、demn = harm 损害

108、dens = make thick 变深挚

109、dent = tooth 牙齿

110、derm, dermat = skin 皮肤

111、dexter = right 右边

112、di = day 日,日子

113、dict, dic = say, assert 说话,断言

114、dign = worthy, noble 值得,崇高

115、doc, doct = to teach 教

116、dole = grieve 哀痛

117、dom = house 屋,家

118、don, dit = give 赐与

119、dorm = sleep 睡眠

120、dox = opinion 看 点

121、draw = pull 拉

122、drom = run 跑

123、du, dub, doub = two 二,双

124、duc, duct = lead, bring 引导,带来

125、dur = last, hard 耐久,坚硬

126、dyn, dynam = power 力量

127、ed = eat 食

128、ego = I 我,本身

129、em, empt, ampl = take, procure 拿,获得

130、emper, imper = command 号令,统治

131、equ, equi = equal, even 相等,均匀

132、erg, ert = energy, work 能量,活动

133、err = wander, mistake 遨游,犯错误

134、ev = age 年龄,时代

135、extr(e), exter = out 出往

136、fabl, fabul = speak 讲,说

137、fabric = make 造造

138、fac, fact, fect, fic, fig = make, do 做,造造

139、fac, fic = face 脸,面

140、fall, fail, fault = err, deceive 犯错误,哄骗

141、feder = league 联盟

142、fend, fens = strike 冲击

143、fer = bring, carry 带来,拿来

144、ferv = boil 沸,热

145、fess = speak 说

146、fest = feast 节日

147、fest = hostile 仇恨

148、fid = trust, faith 相信 ,自信心

149、fil, fili = thread 线条

150、fin = end, boundary 完毕,范畴

151、firm = firm 勇敢

152、fix = fix 固定

153、flam, flagr = blaze 火焰

154、flat = blow 吹

155、flect, flex = bend 弯曲

156、flict = strike 冲击

157、flor, flour = flower 花

158、flu = flow 活动

159、foli = leaf 树叶

160、forc, fort = strong 强大,力量

161、form = shape 外形

162、fortu = luck 命运

163、found, fund = base根底

164、fract, frag = break 打坏

165、frig, friger = cold 冷

166、front = forehead 前额

167、fug = flee 逃,分开

168、fum = smoke烟

169、funct = perform活动

170、fus = pour 流,泻

171、gam, gamy = marriage婚姻

172、gar, garn = furnish粉饰,赐与

173、gen, gener, genit = birth, produce 出生,产生

174、geo = earth 地,地球

175、germ = seed种子

176、gest, gister = carry, bring 带来,产生

177、glaci = ice冰

178、gloss, glot = tongue舌头,词语

179、gnos(t), gnor = know 晓得

180、gon = angle 角

181、grad = step, grade 步,级

182、gran = grain颗粒

183、graph, gram = write 写,图

184、grat, gree = pleasing 感恩 ,兴奋

185、grav, griev = heavy重

186、greg = group群体

187、gress = go, walk行走

188、gyn, gynec = woman妇女

189、habit = dwell栖身

190、hal = breathe唤 吸

191、hap = chance时机,命运

192、haust = draw water抽水

193、hav = possess拥有

194、head = head头

195、heli(o) = sun太阳

196、helic = spiral螺旋

197、her, hes = stick粘附

198、hibit = hold拿住

199、hilar = glad兴奋

200、hor(r) = shudder, dread颤动 ,恐惧

201、hort = encourage鼓舞

202、hospit, host = guest客人

203、hum = earth土,地

204、hydr, hydro = water水

205、hypn(o) = sleep睡眠

206、idea, ideo = idea思惟,看 点

207、idio = peculiar, private特殊 的,小我的

208、idol = image形象,偶像

209、imag, imit = imagine, likeness想象,相象

210、insul = island岛屿

211、integr = whole完全

212、it = go行走

213、ject = throw, cast扔掷,扔

214、joc = joke消化

215、journ = day日期

216、judg, judic = judge揣度

217、jug = yoke牛轭

218、junct, join = join连系,毗连

219、jur, juris = swear, law宣誓 ,法令

220、juven = young年轻

221、labor = labor劳动

222、lact = milk奶,乳

223、langu = faint虚弱

224、lapid = stone石头

225、laps = slip滑,滑走

226、lat = bring out拿出,带出

227、later = side边

228、lav, luv, lut = wash洗,冲刷

229、lax = loose松

230、lect, leg = speak, read讲,读

231、lect, lig = choose, gather抉择 ,搜集

232、leg, legis = law法令

233、lev, liev = raise, lighten举起,变轻

234、lex, lexic = word, speech词汇

235、liber = free自在

236、libr = book书

237、lic = allure诱惑

238、licen = allow容许

239、limin, lim = threshold门槛,限造

240、line = line曲线,线条

241、lingu = language语言,原意为舌头

242、linqu = leave分开

243、lips = leave分开

244、liqu = wet湿

245、liter = letter文字,字母

246、lith = stone石头

247、loc = place处所

248、log, logu = speak说话

249、logy, ology = science科学,学科

250、long = long长

251、loqu,locu = speak说话

252、luc, lust = light, shine光,照亮

253、lud, lus = play玩,戏剧

254、lumin = light光

255、lun = moon月亮

256、lustr = light亮光

257、lys, lysis = break down裂开,分假

258、mach, mech = machine机器

259、magn = big大

260、maj = great大,伟大

261、man, main = stay逗留

262、man, manu = hand手

263、mand = order号令

264、mari = sea海洋

265、mark = sign记号,符号

266、matern, matr = mother母性,母亲

267、med, medi = middle中间

268、memor = memory记忆

269、mend = free from fault改错

270、ment = mind根究 ,神志

271、merc, merch = trade交易

272、merg, mers = sink沉,没

273、meter, metr, meas, mens = measure计量,丈量

274、migr = remove迁徙

275、milit = soldier兵

276、min = project伸出,凸起

277、mini, min = small小

278、mir = wonder, look惊异 ,看

279、mis(o) = hate恨

280、misc = mix稠浊

281、miser = wretched同情 的

282、miss, mit = send, cast送,放出

283、mnes, mnem = remember记忆

284、mob = move动

285、mod = mode, manner体例,形式,风度

286、moll = soft软

287、mon, monit = warn警告

288、monstr = show展现

289、mor = moral道德

290、mord, mors = bite咬

291、morph = form, shape外形

292、mort = death死

293、mot = move运动

294、mount = ascend登上

295、muni, mum = public公共的

296、mur = wall墙壁

297、mus = muse娱乐

298、mut = change改动

299、nat = born出生

300、nav, naus, naut = ship船,船员

301、nect, nex = bind毗连

302、neg = deny承认

303、negr, nigr = black黑

304、neur = nerve神经

305、nihil = nothing无,不存在

306、noc, nox = hurt, poison损害 ,毒

307、noct = night夜晚

308、nom(y) = a field of knowledge某一范畴的常识

309、nomin = name名称,名字

310、norm = rule, norm规则,标准

311、nost = home家

312、not = know晓得

313、nounce, nunci = speak讲话,说出

314、nov = new新的

315、null = none没有

316、numer = number数目

317、nutrit, nutri = nourish营养

318、od = song歌曲

319、oner = load承担

320、onym = name名字

321、oper = work工做

322、opt = choose抉择

323、opt, opto = sight目力

324、optim = best更好

325、ora, orat = mouth嘴,说

326、orbit = circle圆圈

327、ordin = order号令,挨次

328、ori, orig = rise, begin升起,起头

329、orn = embellish粉饰

330、oss = bone骨头

331、ot(o) = ear耳朵

332、pact = fastened紧的

333、palp = feel觉得,摸

334、par = bring forth消费,生出孩子

335、par = equal平等

336、par = get ready预备

337、par, pear = come in sight看见

338、parl = speak说话

339、part, port = part, divide部门,分隔

340、pass = feeling豪情

341、pass = pass through通过

342、path = feeling, suffering, illness豪情,痛苦,病

343、patr(i) = father父亲

344、ped = child, education儿童,教导

345、ped = foot脚

346、pel, puls = drive, push驱动,推

347、pen, pun = penalty赏罚

348、pend, pens = hang悬挂

349、pend, pens, pond = weight, expend称重量,称银子,破费

350、peri = try测验考试

351、pet = seek逃求,逃求

352、petr(o) = stone石头

353、phag = eat食

354、phan = show出示

355、phil, philo = love爱

356、phob, phobia = dislike厌恶

357、phon = sound声音

358、phor = bring带来

359、photo = light光

360、phyt(o) = plant动物

361、pict = paint描绘

362、pisc = fish鱼

363、plac = calm平静

364、place = place放,处所

365、plaint = complain抱怨

366、plannt = plant种植

367、plat = flat平整

368、plaud = clap hands拍手

369、ple, plen, plet, pli = full, fill满,填满

370、plex = fold堆叠

371、plic, ply = fold堆叠

372、plod = big noise高声音

373、plor = cry, weep喊,哭

374、ploy = use, involve用,参与

375、plumb = lead铅

376、point, punct = point, make sharp点,变尖

377、polic, polis, polit = state, city国度,城市

378、pon, pound = put放置

379、popul, publ = people人民

380、porc = pig猪

381、port = carry拿,运

382、pos, posit = put放

383、post, poster = behind后面

384、pot = drink饮

385、poten = powerful有力的

386、prais, preci = value价值

387、prehens, prehend = catch挠 住

388、press = press挤压

389、prim = first, chief第一,次要的

390、pris = take拿住,挠 住

391、priv = single, alone单个

392、proach = near接近

393、prob, prov = test测试,证明

394、prol = offspring后代,子孙

395、proper, propri = one’s own拥有,安妥 的

396、proxim = close, near接近,靠近

397、pud, pudi = feel shame感应耻辱

398、pugn = fight斗殴

399、pur, purg = pure纯真

400、put = think认为,根究

401、putr = rotten腐朽

402、quaint = know晓得

403、quest, quir, quis, quer = seek, search逃求 ,询问

404、quiet, qui = still静

405、quit = free自在

406、radic = root根

407、rage = mad疯狂

408、range = rank摆列,挨次

409、rap, rapt, rav = snatch捕,夺

410、ras, rad = scrape刮擦

411、rat = calculate计算

412、rect = straight, right正,曲

413、rend = give给

414、rept = creep爬

415、rhythm = rhythm节拍

416、rid, ris = laugh笑

417、robor = strength力量(在现在的计算机范畴经常听到”鲁棒”性,用来指软件或系统的强健,就是它的音译而来)

418、rod, ros = bite咬

419、rog = ask要求,问

420、rot = wheel轮子,转

421、rub = red红(u-e,b-d,颠末二次能假得来)

422、rud = rude原始,粗野

423、rupt = break断裂

424、rust, rur = country农村(rust是锈的意思,指农村不清洁,四处锈迹斑斑)

425、sacr = holy神圣

426、sag = know晓得

427、sal = leap跳

428、sal = salt盐

429、salv, save = save救助

430、san, sanit = healthy安康的

431、sanct = holy神圣

432、sanguin = blood血

433、sati, satis, satur = enough, full of food足够,饱足

434、scend, scens, scent = climb爬,攀

435、sci = know晓得

436、scrib, script = write写

437、sect, seg = cut, divide切,割

438、secut, sequ = follow跟从

439、semin = seed种子

440、sen = old老

441、sens, sent = feel觉得

442、serr = saw锯子

443、sert = join, insert加进 ,插进

444、serv = serve, keep办事,连结

445、set = fix安设好

446、sever = earnest诚恳

447、sid = sit坐

448、sight = vision目光

449、sign = mark记号,信号

450、simil, simul, sembl = alike, same相类似,一样

451、sinu = bend弯曲

452、sist = stand站立

453、soci = companion同伴,社会

454、sol = alone零丁

455、sol = sun太阳

456、solv, solu, solut = loosen松开

457、som = body身体

458、somn = sleep睡眠

459、son = sound声音

460、soph = wise伶俐 ,伶俐

461、sort = kind品种

462、speci = look, kind外看 ,品种

463、spect, spic = look, see看

464、sper = hope期看

465、spers = scatter散开

466、spin = thorn刺

467、spir = breathe唤 吸

468、splend = shine发光

469、spond, spons = promise许诺

470、st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin = stand站,立

471、stall = place放

472、stell = star星星

473、stigma = mark标记,黑点

474、still = small drop小水滴

475、sting, stinct, stimul = prick刺,刺激

476、stitut, stit = set up, place成立,放

477、strain, strict, string = tighten拉紧

478、strat = spread out扩散,条理

479、struct = build成立

480、sult = leap跳

481、sum, summ = add up总,加

482、sume, sumpt = take拿,取

483、sur = sure必定

484、surg = rise升起

485、tach = nail钉子

486、tact, tag, tig, ting = touch接触

487、tail = cut剪,割

488、tain, ten, tin, tinu = hold拿住

489、tard = slow慢

490、techn = skill, ability手艺,才能

491、tect = cover盖上

492、tele = far远,电

493、temn, tempt = scorn鄙视

494、temper, tempor = time时间

495、tempt = try测验考试

496、tend, tent, tens = stretch伸展

497、tenu = thin细,薄

498、termin = limit边界

499、terr = earth地盘

500、terr = frighten恐,怕

501、test = test, witness测试,证据

502、text = weave编织

503、the(o) = god神

504、therm = heat热

505、thesis, thet = setting放置

506、tim = fear恐惧

507、tir = draw拉

508、toler = endure容忍

509、tom, tomy = cut切割

510、tort = twist扭曲

511、touch = touch摸,碰

512、tour, torn = turn转

513、tox = poison毒

514、tract = draw拉,挈

515、treat = handle处置

516、trem = quiver颤动

517、trench = cut切,割

518、tribut = give赐与

519、trit = rub摩擦

520、trop = turn转

521、troph = nutrition营养

522、tru = true相信 ,实在

523、trud, trus = push推

524、turb = stir搅动

525、tut, tuit = protect庇护

526、twine = twine编织

527、typ = type形式,外形

528、umbr = shadow影子

529、un, uni = one单一,一个

530、und = wave颠簸

531、up = up, over向上

532、urb = city城市

533、urin, ur = urine尿

534、us, util = use用

535、vac, vacu, van, void = empty空

536、vad, vas = go走

537、vag, vagr = wander遨游

538、vail, val = strong强壮

539、val, valu = value价值

540、vapor = steam蒸汽

541、vari, vary = change改变

542、veil = cover盖上

543、ven, vent = come来

544、venge = punish赏罚,报仇

545、vent = wind风

546、ver = true实在

547、verb = word词语

548、vers, vert = turn转

549、vest = clothes衣服

550、vestig = footprint, rack脚印,踪迹

551、vi, via, vey, voy = way道路

552、vibr = swing扭捏

553、vict, vinc = conquer, overcome征服,征服

554、vid, vis = see看

555、vid, vis = separate分隔

556、vil = base卑鄙

557、vir = man汉子

558、viv, vit, vig = life生命

559、voc, vok = call, voice喊 喊,声音

560、vol, volunt = wish, will意志,意愿

561、volv, volu, volt = roll, turn卷,转

562、vor = eat食

563、vot = vow宣誓

564、vulg = people人群

565、vuls, vult = pluck, tear收缩,撕开

566、ware = watch凝视

567、zeal = ardor热心(Z只是为了代表闪电,故电又有激情、热流等含义)

568、zoo = animal动物


Rank University Student satisfaction Research rating Entry points Graduate prospects Total score

1 University of Warwick 86.8 70.0 469 56.9 100.0

2 University of Exeter 88.0 45.2 435 64.1 95.7

3 Lancaster University 88.6 43.3 66.7 94.9

4 University of Sheffield 84.9 21.7 439 81.7 94.6

5 Cardiff University 82.6 55.0 403 63.9 93.3

6 University of Southampton 94.7 38.3 399 54.0 92.9

7 King's College London 82.5 55.0 459 52.2 92.8

8 Newcastle University 92.7 23.3 438 60.0 92.6

9 Loughborough University 83.9 31.7 379 75.2 91.1

10 University of East Anglia 81.0 63.3 423 48.5 90.8

11 University of Leicester 81.1 46.3 376 63.0 89.0

12 University of Westminster 78.1 70.0 344 56.4 88.8

13 Royal Holloway, University of London 84.6 38.3 390 59.0 88.7

14 University of Leeds 83.2 26.7 397 68.3 88.6

15 Queen Mary, University of London 83.3 40.0 407 53.7 87.8

16 University of Lincoln 84.8 33.3 346 66.3 87.6

17 Goldsmiths, University of London 75.2 56.7 383 46.0 83.6

18 University of Kent 73.8 425 80.0 83.3

19 Coventry University 89.7 23.3 300 57.0 82.9

20 Nottingham Trent University 82.5 40.0 326 52.0 82.6

21= University of Strathclyde 76.2 474 62.5 82.0

21= University of Liverpool 84.7 406 60.0 82.0

23 University of Surrey 77.0 13.3 388 66.9 81.9

24 Swansea University 84.4 18.3 345 57.6 81.7

25 University of Stirling 75.4 30.0 410 50.5 81.0

26 University of Sussex 75.8 35.0 382 50.4 80.7

27 Birmingham City University 78.3 40.0 317 54.2 80.6

28 Bournemouth University 74.2 26.7 363 61.7 80.3

29 University of Central Lancashire 80.0 21.7 306 62.9 79.7

30 De Montfort University 81.3 36.7 291 52.0 79.5

31 University of the West of England 79.7 30.0 333 47.5 78.2

32 Oxford Brookes University 85.3 340 56.7 77.8

33 Robert Gordon University 79.5 364 62.1 77.7

34 Keele University 83.3 350 56.3 77.2

35 Brunel University London 83.7 18.3 347 40.6 76.6

36 University of Portsmouth 84.8 17.4 285 48.7 76.0

37 Northumbria University 77.6 23.8 348 44.6 75.7

38 University of Huddersfield 83.1 0.0 303 58.9 75.4

39 Sheffield Hallam University 84.9 16.7 296 42.7 74.8

40 Leeds Metropolitan University 77.0 28.3 266 53.7 74.7

41 Roehampton University 83.6 15.0 264 48.8 73.8

42= University of Hull 80.6 25.0 296 40.7 73.7

42= Bath Spa University 80.8 13.3 328 42.9 73.7

44 Edinburgh Napier University 77.6 389 46.0 73.4

45= University of Ulster 79.1 31.7 297 37.0 73.2

45= City University 66.3 394 64.4 73.2

47= Glyndwr University 76.5 284 64.6 72.7

47= University of the West of Scotland 78.1 16.7 322 42.7 72.7

49= Glasgow Caledonian University 69.4 15.0 395 45.3 72.5

49= University of Chester 83.7 266 54.4 72.5

51= Teesside University 83.9 270 52.9 72.4

51= Bangor University 82.5 288 52.4 72.4

53= University of Gloucestershire 84.0 0.0 291 48.6 72.2

53= University of Sunderland 75.5 31.7 304 38.4 72.2

55 Queen Margaret University Edinburgh 78.7 20.0 335 33.3 71.6

56 Queen's University, Belfast 82.6 365 34.9 71.5

57= University of Chichester 90.5 252 40.9 71.3

57= University of Bradford 75.5 10.0 286 54.0 71.3

59 University of Brighton 76.4 15.0 302 43.2 70.5

60 University of Winchester 76.1 15.0 312 40.9 70.2

61= Middlesex University 76.1 15.0 278 46.6 70.1

61= Liverpool John Moores University 76.1 324 49.0 70.1

63 University of Derby 80.7 30.0 274 28.1 70.0

64 Falmouth University 79.2 255 54.4 69.6

65= Southampton Solent University 74.1 340 47.6 69.5

65= Kingston University 74.5 10.0 296 47.5 69.5

67= Staffordshire University 75.4 11.7 263 50.5 69.4

67= University of Northampton 80.0 252 53.0 69.4

69 St Mary's University, Twickenham 78.4 270 52.2 69.3

70 University of East London 71.7 40.0 249 38.9 69.2

71 York St John University 78.6 292 47.1 69.1

72= University of Worcester 77.9 271 50.6 68.7

72= Leeds Trinity University 80.7 262 47.3 68.7

74 University of St Mark St John, Plymouth 78.0 275 48.4 68.3

75 Manchester Metropolitan University 72.7 13.3 330 37.4 68.1

76 Anglia Ruskin University 86.7 246 37.3 68.0

77 University of Bedfordshire 78.5 23.3 209 40.1 67.5

78= London Metropolitan University 72.4 23.3 239 43.9 67.1

78= Canterbury Christ Church University 74.0 270 52.3 67.1

80 University of Salford 62.5 26.7 351 37.8 66.9

81 University of South Wales 71.8 16.7 318 32.7 66.3

82 University of Greenwich 79.1 3.3 284 34.0 65.9

83 University of the Arts London 65.9 278 58.4 65.1

84= University for the Creative Arts 67.2 269 55.0 64.4

84= Aberystwyth University 73.1 304 38.2 64.4

86 Edge Hill University 74.6 291 33.8 63.2

87 University of West London 60.0 6.7 227 61.3 61.7

88 London South Bank University 72.9 23.3 223 22.1 60.2

89 University of Cumbria 82.3 226 19.3 59.5

90 Buckinghamshire New University 57.4 248 43.0 54.8

1.King's College London伦敦国王学院









10.Oxford Brookes牛津布鲁克斯大学







17.Edinburgh Napier龙比亚大学


19.Royal Holloway伦敦大学皇家霍洛维学院


21.Birmingham City伯明翰城市大学

22.UWE Bristol西英格兰布里斯托大学

23.York St John约克圣约翰大学





28.Anglia Ruskin安格利亚鲁斯金大学


30.Central Lancashire中心 兰开夏大学

31.Southampton Solent南安普顿索伦特大学


33.Canterbury Christ Church坎特伯里基督教会大学




37.East London东伦敦大学





42.Bath Spa巴斯泉大学

43.De Montfort德蒙福特大学


45.West London西伦敦大学



48.Robert Gordon罗伯特戈登大学



51.Bucks New University新白金汉大学

51.Manchester Met曼彻斯特城市大学


54.Sheffield Hallam谢菲尔德哈莱姆大学

55.Nottingham Trent诺丁汉特伦特大学








63.London Met伦敦都会大学


65.Queen Margaret玛格丽特皇后学院


67.Liverpool John Moores利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学



70.Edge Hill边山大学

71.South Wales南威尔士大学

72.Leeds Trinity利兹三一大学





77.St Mary’s UC,Twickenham圣玛丽大学学院

78.Leeds Met利兹都会大学

79.London South Bank伦敦南岸大学



1.整数数据类型及其取值范畴 :



存储需求(取值范畴 )

tinyint    很小整数    1字节([0~255]、[-128~127]); 255=2^8-1;127=2^7-1  

smallint    小整数    2字节(0~65535、-32768~32767) ;65535=2^16-1  

mediumint    中等    3字节(0~16777215) ;16777215=2^24-1  

int(integer)    通俗    4字节(0~4294967295) ;4294967295=2^32-1  

bigint    大整数    8字节(0~18446744073709551615);18446744073709551615=2^64-1  





float    单精度浮点数    4字节  

double    双精度浮点数    8字节  

decimal    压缩的“严厉 ”定点数    M+2字节  



year范畴 :1901~2155; 

time格局:‘HH:MM:SS’(假设 省略写,而且没有冒号,则默认最右起2位为秒,再到分,最初到时); 

插进 系统当前时间:insert into 表名 values(current_date()),(now()); 


datetime(日期+时间):‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’或‘YYYYMMDDHHMMSS’,取值范畴 :‘1000-01-01 00:00:00’~‘9999-12-31 23:59:59’; 

timestamp格局同datetime,但在存储时需要4个字节(datetime需要8字节),而且以UTC(世界原则 时间)停止存储(即timestamp会随设置的时区而改变 ,而datetime存储的绝不会改变 );timestamp的范畴 :1970-2037。 






tinytext    255=2^8-1  

text    65535=2^16-1  

mediumtext    16777215=2^24-1  

longtext    4294967295=4GB=2^32-1  



set类型格局:set(’值1’,’值2’…) ——能够有0或者多个值,关于set而言,若插进 的值为反复的,则只娶一个。插进 的值乱序,则主动按挨次插进 摆列。插进 不一般值,则漠视 。 


bit(M)——保留位字段值(位字段类型),M表达 值的位数; 

eg:select BIN(b+0) from 表名;—–b为列名;b+0表达 将二进造的成果转换为对应的数字的值,BIN()函数将数字转换为二进造。 




存储范畴 (字节)

tinyblog    最多255=2^8-1 字节  

bolg    最多65535=2^16-1 字节  

mediumblog    最多16777215=2^24-1 字节  

longblog    最多4294967295=4GB=2^32-1 字节  


共358 艘 现实参战329 滕奇级潜艇44年-51年造的,后来台湾省有二艘


巴洛级 122 失11

Balao巴洛级是胜利的,它的类号射手,鱼类之一(的SS - 311)带下来仍然是更大的船由一艘潜艇,日本信浓号航空母舰(59,000吨)沉没。

加托级潜艇 77

鲭鱼级潜艇 2

海豚级 10

R级潜艇 27 失1

三文鱼级 6 沉敌舰 33

萨戈级潜艇- 73 沉敌舰10 4

坦博尔级潜艇 12 失7

滕奇级潜艇 29 二战后期做

滕奇级潜艇是一型潜艇美国海军(USN)的1944年至1951年间建成。从美国海军的两个滕奇潜艇来到中国海军共和国和调任为海石级潜艇回 类

The Balao-class 122 lost 11

The Balao class was successful, and one of its class USS Archer-Fish (SS-311) brought down what remains the largest ship sunk by a submarine, the Japanese aircraft carrier Shinano (59,000 tons).

Gato class submarine 77

Mackerel class submarine 2

Porpoise-class 10

R-class submarines 27 lost 1

Salmon class 6 sank 33 enemy ships

Sargo-class submarines 10 sinking 73 ships lost 4

Tambor class submarine 12 lost 7

Tench class submarines were a type of submarine built for the United States Navy (USN) between 1944 and 1951. Two Tench subs from the USN went to the Republic of China Navy and re-classed as Hai Shih class submarines

USS Albacore (SS-218)

USS Amberjack (SS-522)

USS Amberjack (SS-219)

USS Angler (SS-240)

USS Apogon (SS-308)

USS Archer-Fish (SS-311)

USS Argonaut (SM-1)

USS Argonaut (SS-475)

USS Aspro (SS-309)

USS Atule (SS-403)


USS Balao (SS-285)

USS Bang (SS-385)

USS Barb (SS-220)

USS Barbel (SS-316)

USS Barbero (SS-317)

USS Barracuda (SS-163)

USS Bashaw (SS-241)

USS Bass (SS-164)

USS Batfish (SS-310)

USS Baya (SS-318)

USS Becuna (SS-319)

USS Bergall (SS-320)

USS Besugo (SS-321)

USS Billfish (SS-286)

USS Blackfin (SS-322)

USS Blackfish (SS-221)

USS Blanquillo

USS Blanquillo (SS-323)

USS Blenny (SS-324)

USS Blower (SS-325)

USS Blueback (SS-326)

USS Bluefish (SS-222)

USS Bluegill (SS-242)

USS Boarfish (SS-327)

USS Bonefish (SS-223)

USS Bonita (SS-165)

USS Bowfin (SS-287)

USS Bream (SS-243)

USS Brill (SS-330)

USS Bugara (SS-331)

USS Bullhead (SS-332)

USS Bumper (SS-333)

USS Burrfish (SS-312)


USS Cabezon (SS-334)

USS Cabrilla (SS-288)

USS Cachalot (SS-170)

USS Caiman (SS-323)

USS Capelin (SS-289)

USS Capitaine (SS-336)

USS Carbonero (SS-337)

USS Carp (SS-338)

USS Catfish (SS-339)

USS Cavalla (SS-244)

USS Cero (SS-225)

USS Charr (SS-328)

USS Chivo (SS-341)

USS Chopper (SS-342)

USS Chub (SS-329)

USS Cisco (SS-290)

USS Cobbler (SS-344)

USS Cobia (SS-245)

USS Cod (SS-224)

USS Conger (SS-477)

USS Corvina (SS-226)

USS Crevalle (SS-291)

USS Croaker (SS-246)

USS Cutlass (SS-478)

USS Cuttlefish (SS-171)


USS Dace (SS-247)

USS Darter (SS-227)

USS Dentuda (SS-335)

USS Devilfish (SS-292)

USS Diablo (SS-479)

USS Dogfish (SS-350)

USS Dolphin (SS-169)

USS Dorado (SS-248)

USS Dragonet (SS-293)

USS Drum (SS-228)


USS Entemedor (SS-340)

USS Escolar (SS-294)


USS Finback (SS-230)

USS Flasher (SS-249)

USS Flier (SS-250)

USS Flounder (SS-251)

USS Flying Fish (SS-229)


USS Gabilan (SS-252)

USS Gar (SS-206)

USS Gato (SS-212)

USS Golet (SS-361)

USS Grampus (SS-207)

USS Grampus (SS-523)

USS Grayback (SS-208)

USS Grayling (SS-209)

USS Greenfish (SS-351)

USS Greenling (SS-213)

USS Grenadier (SS-210)

USS Grouper (SS-214)

USS Growler (SS-215)

USS Grunion (SS-216)

USS Guardfish (SS-217)

USS Guavina (SS-362)

USS Gudgeon (SS-211)

USS Guitarro (SS-363)

USS Gunnel (SS-253)

USS Gurnard (SS-254)


USS Hackleback (SS-295)

USS Haddo (SS-255)

USS Haddock (SS-231)

USS Hake (SS-256)

USS Halibut (SS-232)

USS Hammerhead (SS-364)

USS Harder (SS-257)

USS Hardhead (SS-365)

USS Hawkbill (SS-366)

USS Herring (SS-233)

USS Hoe (SS-258)


USS Icefish (SS-367)

USS Irex (SS-482)


USS Jack (SS-259)

USS Jallao (SS-368)


USS Kete (SS-369)

USS Kingfish (SS-234)

USS Kraken (SS-370)

USS Lagarto (SS-371)

USS Lamprey (SS-372)

USS Lancetfish (SS-296)

USS Lapon (SS-260)

USS Ling (SS-297)

USS Lionfish (SS-298)

USS Lizardfish (SS-373)

USS Loggerhead (SS-374)


USS Macabi (SS-375)

USS Mackerel (SS-204)

USS Manta (SS-299)

USS Mapiro (SS-376)

USS Marlin (SS-205)

USS Medregal (SS-480)

USS Menhaden (SS-377)

USS Mingo (SS-261)

USS Moray (SS-300)

USS Muskallunge (SS-262)


USS Narwhal (SS-167)

USS Nautilus (SS-168)


USS O-2 (SS-63)

USS O-3 (SS-64)

USS O-4 (SS-65)

USS O-6 (SS-67)

USS O-7 (SS-68)

USS O-8 (SS-69)

USS O-10 (SS-71)

USS Odax (SS-484)


USS Paddle (SS-263)

USS Pampanito (SS-383)

USS Parche (SS-384)

USS Pargo (SS-264)

USS Perch (SS-313)

USS Perch (SS-176)

USS Permit (SS-178)

USS Peto (SS-265)

USS Pickerel (SS-177)

USS Pickerel (SS-524)

USS Picuda (SS-382)

USS Pike (SS-173)

USS Pilotfish (SS-386)

USS Pintado (SS-387)

USS Pipefish (SS-388)

USS Piper (SS-409)

USS Piranha (SS-389)

USS Plaice (SS-390)

USS Plunger (SS-179)

USS Pogy (SS-266)

USS Pollack (SS-180)

USS Pomfret (SS-391)

USS Pompano (SS-181)

USS Pompon (SS-267)

USS Porpoise (SS-172)

USS Puffer (SS-268)


USS Queenfish (SS-393)

USS Quillback (SS-424)


USS R-1 (SS-78)

USS R-2 (SS-79)

USS R-4 (SS-81)

USS R-5 (SS-82)

USS R-6 (SS-83)

USS R-7 (SS-84)

USS R-9 (SS-86)

USS R-10 (SS-87)

USS R-11 (SS-88)

USS R-12 (SS-89)


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