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  The Yue Fei grave also calls grave of Yue Fei, is located the Hangzhou chihsia Lingnan foothill, constructed in the Southern Song Dynasty Jiading 14 years (in 1221), the bright ching t'ai year renamed the loyal and heroic temple”, has experienced Yuan, clearly, clear, Republic of China fashionable when waste, is the continuation of continuously He Cundao the present。

  The extant construction (in 1715) reconstructed in the clear Kanghsi 54 years, in 1918 once the overhaul, in 1979 comprehensively renovated, causes the mountain shrine to be more dignified solemnly and respectfully。

The mountain shrine is all previous dynasties commemoration national hero Yue Fei's place。Yue Fei is at the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty resists Jin Bing the main military officer, but by Qin Gui, Zhang Jun et al。

   brings a false charge against takefabricated the charge as rebels against the royal government, frames until death。Front Yue Fei is murdered writes down the daylight in the deposition to be clear, the daylight is clear” eight large brush-written Chinese characters。

  After Yue Fei is murdered, the prison guard wei along is braving the life danger, shoulders the Yue Fei remains, crossed the city wall, buries carelessly nearby nine Qu Congci。

  After the 2l year Song Xiaozong issues an order to Yue Fei to exonerate, and posts a reward by 500 high prices seeks the Yue Fei remains, changes burial sites with the grand ceremony under the chihsia range, is the present grave of Yue Fei's locus。

  The fine peaceful four years (in 1204) was Yue Fei died the latter 63 years royal government to pursue seals as the Er king。

Yue Wang Miao· in 1221 for commemoration national hero Yue Fei, the beginning constructed the mountain shrine and grave of Yue Fei。

  When Great Cultural Revolution”, the mountain shrine once suffered the destruction, in 1979 repaired, at present the mountain shrine altogether had Hero Shrine, the Yue Fei fact exhibition hall, the tablet porch and the Yue Fei grave, in front of the grave and so on four people kneels strongly for disloyal subject Qin Gui the elephant。

  In 1961 the mountain grave is listed as the state-level key cultural relic preservation organ。


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