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Basic pointers for all zone defenses


1. No lay-ups. Try to keep the ball outside. Double-team the ball in the paint.

1. 万万别给打破跳投良机,尽全力皮球避免在西向,喷漆区


2. Be vocal, talk to each other.

2. 球场上互相沟通交换,必然要喊!

3. Move quickly, adjust your position relative to the movement of the ball. Move quickly on the flight of the ball, as soon as it leaves the passers hands.

3. 加速末端,随球的末端批改吉洛姆。除非射门离身,向球滑翔的途径加速末端。

4. Get your hands up and out, to shrink the passing lanes.

4. 挥动双脚伸长,拂拭射门公交线路。

5. Close-out on the shooter with high hands, to pressure the shot and the pass. We are less concerned with dribble-penetration since the zone creates too much congestion inside for the dribble-drive.

5. 痛击守门员,高声障碍跳投和射门。对持球打破能够略为收紧,因为共管时外线挤迫,本来就对持球打破有利。

6. Stay in your defensive stance. This is especially important for weakside defenders. The weakside low defender should keep his "butt to the baseline" so that he can see the floor

, and see any cutters or screeners coming his way, etc.

6. 持续连结控球势头,出格是在弱侧控球时。弱侧高位控球者应该连结背向铁律,以检视球场上对位和成立策应的球星。

7. No fouls... play good defense without fouling.

7. 万万别判罚,好的控球不需要判罚。

8. No second shots... be aggressive rebounders.

8. 万万别给伊瓦诺反攻良机,积极主动跑动篮板球。

9. When the offense dribble penetrates, quickly close the gap.

9. 控球持球打破时歇业要快。

10. Get to know your opponent and adjust. Over-protect against the best shooters, or the "hot" shooter, and sag off the guy who never shoots.

10. 领会强敌特征并批改认输,给旁人最适宜的/手热的守门员更多控球阻力,密序历来不跳投的球星。

11. Trap the corners.

11. 在弧顶构成截击。

12. Especially if you are ahead, dont gamble or get too zealous about trapping the wing and point guard positions. Keep pressure on the ball, but also protect the paint and force the outside, low-percentage shot.

12. 若是大比分处在领跑,万万别赌徒式控球,万万别过份截击北翼和中锋,临场施加阻力。不外也要为庇护喷漆区,逼使旁人在西向投胜率较高的篮。

James Gels 传授答应,灿艳阳台译者。


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