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  I would like to see the cartoon films。

I have read many cartoon films, including Japan's 。"chess soul" the United States is now the "cat and the mouse" 还是" TOM AND JERRY"?and the popular(火影忍者), but my favorite is the "war pigeons Fly。

  " It described the World War II period, Germany to the United States aggression, the United States has a war pigeons team, and their task is to liaison with the British, but Germany has only three vicious black power to prevent war pigeons liaison with the British。

   There was a very ordinary domestic pigeon worship warfare pigeons teams will infiltrate the ranks of its very courageous, and war fighting pigeons, the birds finally defeated and successfully accomplished the mission, which tells us that so long as we stick to what we can triumph! 。

  I like watching cartoon programs。I have watched many cartoons, some of which are "chess soul" of Japan,"cat and mouse " of Unites States,and now popular (火影忍者),but the one I like most is (战鸽快飞),It tells a story took place in World War II,Germany Troop invades United States。

  The United States has a crew of fighting pigeons,whose task is to keep liaison with United Kingdom。 But Germany has three vicious and fierce eagles preventing the pigeons from connecting with UK。

  An ordinary domestic pigeon who admires the fighting pigeon-crew very much interlards into the crew。It is very brave in the battle against the eagles with the fighting pigeons,and finally they defeat the eagles,as a result,they have fulfill their task。

  This story tells us this principle, AS LONG AS YOU STICK IT OUT,YOU CAN GET THE VICTORY





翻译一段英语,明天要用,多谢! 期待您的回复!
