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  Movie Lines Pride Prejudice 狂妄与成见 Mrs。 Bennet: How well you dance, Mr。 Bingley。 My daughter Jane is a splendid dancer, is she not? Bingley: She is indeed。

   (to Elizabeth) Your friend Miss Lucas is a most amusing young woman。 Elizabeth: Oh, yes, I adore her。 Mrs。 Bennet: It is a pity she's not more handsome。

   Elizabeth: Mama! Mrs。 Bennet: Oh, but Lizzie would never admit that she's plain。 Of course it's my Jane who's considered the beauty of the county。

   Elizabeth Jane: No, Mama, please! Mrs。 Bennet: When she was 15, a gentleman was so much in love with her, that I was sure he would make her an offer。

   However, he did write her some very pretty verses。 Elizabeth: And that put paid to it。 I wonder who discovered the power of poetry in driving away love。

   Darcy: I thought the poetry was the food of love。 Elizabeth: Of a fine, stout love, it may。 But if it is only a vague inclination ,I'm convinced one poor sonnet will kill it stone dead。

   Darcy: So what do you recommend to encourage affection? Elizabeth: Dancing。 Even if one's partner is barely tolerable。

   Jane: Mr Bingley is just what a young man ought to be。 Sensible, good-humoured。。。 Elizabeth: Handsome, conveniently rich。

  。。 Jane: You know perfectly well I do not believe marriage should be driven by thoughts of money。 Elizabeth: I agree entirely。

   Only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony, which is why I'll end up an old maid。 Jane: Do you really believe he liked me, Lizzie? Elizabeth: Jane, he danced with you most of the night, and stared at you for the rest of it。

   But I give you leave to like him。 You've liked many a stupider person。 You're a great deal too apt to like people in general, you know。

   All the world is good and agreeable in your eyes。 Jane: Not his friend。 I still can't believe what he said about you。 Elizabeth: Mr。

   Darcy? I could more easily forgive his vanity had he not wounded mine。 But no matter, I doubt we shall ever speak again。


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