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名词阐明 家庭教诲的教学相长原则?


这种原则强调家长和孩子之间的互动和协作 ,家长和孩子都应该积极参与到教诲过程中,通过相互学习和交流,共同提高自己的能力和水平 。家长应该与孩子1起学习,1起成长,成为孩子的表率 和支持者,同时也要倾听孩子的想法,尊重他们的个性和兴致。



请使用英文进行阐明 。

An acronym for the philosophy of Family Education: Parent-Child Inspiration.

The principle of Parent-Child Inspiration is a family education approach that encourages mutual learning and communication between parents and children. 

The philosophy emphasizes active participation in the process of education between parents and children, encouraging mutual learning and sharing by communication. Parents should be eager to learn from their children and support their development, while listening to their ideas and respecting their individuality and interests.

The principle's main goal is to enhance the effectiveness of family education, promote communication and understanding between parents and children, foster children's ability to think independently and solve problems, while also helping parents better understand their children, meet their needs better, and achieve better educational goals.

This approach is applicable to various types of family education methods and scenarios and can help parents better establish a good relationship with their children, enhance quality and effectiveness of family education."

Please translate the Chinese phrases to English:

1. "教学相长原则" - Parent-Child Inspiration

2. "家庭教诲的教学相长原则" - The Parent-Child Inspiration Philosophy of Family Education


3. "相互学习,共同成长" - Sharing learning and growing together

4. "互动和协作 " - Interaction and cooperation

5. "家长和孩子之间的互动和协作 " - Interaction and cooperation between parents and children

6. "积极参与到教诲过程中" - Be active in participating in the education process

7. "倾听孩子的想法,尊重他们的个性和兴致" - Listen to children's ideas and respect their individuality and interests.

8. "提高家庭教诲的效果" - Improve the effectiveness of family education

9. "相互理解,增强家庭教诲的质量和效果" - Boost mutual understanding and improve the quality and effectiveness of


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