是"Chinese Whispers"。
1. "Chinese Whispers" is a game where participants form a line or a circle. The first person whispers a message to the next person and then this message is passed down the line by whispering. 2. The interesting part is that the message often gets distorted and changed as it is whispered from one person to another. 3. At the end, the last person in line reveals the message they heard, which is usually quite different from the original message, leading to lots of laughter and amusement. So, "Chinese Whispers" is a fun and engaging game that showcases how easily communication can be misunderstood or changed as it passes through different individuals.
Hentai是日语“变态”的罗马拼音,1般用于色情事物上或者变态的行为,特殊是日本动画(Anime)及日本漫画(Manga),不少欧美地区的ACGN御宅族也会使用这个单词。 1般来说,Hentai可连接其他词语,基本用法为Hentai Game(十8禁游戏)、Hentai Anime(十8禁动画)、Hentai Manga(成年漫画)、Hentai Scene(18禁游戏的色情情节)。