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Surely it was a good way to die, in [url=javascript:;]the[/url] place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something. (Bella)这无疑是个不错的死法,死在别人——我所钟爱的人的家里,甚至可以说,轰轰烈烈。这应该算是死得其所。2 When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. (Bella)当生活给了你1个远远超过你期看的美梦,那么,当这1期结束时,也就没有理由再往伤心。3. Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain. (Bella)有时候,我在想我眼里所看到的和世上所有其他人眼里所看到的是不是同样的东西。也许,我脑袋里哪里短路了。4. Forks was literally my personal hell on earth. (Bella)Forks对我而言,简直就是1座人间地狱。5. He unleashed the full, devastating power of his eyes on me, as if trying to communicate something crucial. (Bella)他把那双眼睛的全部魅力都释放在我身上了,似乎试图跟我说某件至关重要的事情似的。6. I wasn’t interesting. And he was. Interesting and brilliant and mysterious…and perfect and beautiful and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand. (Bella)我没有意思,他有。有意思…才华横溢…神异莫测…完美无缺…仪表堂堂,而且还能够单手举起大型客货两用车。7. It was hard to believe that someone so beautiful could be real. I was afraid that he might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke, and I would wake up. (Bella)很难信赖居然真的有这么美的人。我恐惧他会突然像1缕青烟1样消失掉,而我就像做了1场梦1样。8. I decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly. (Edward)我想好了,反正是下地狱,我还不如来他个1不做2不休。


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