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  1。In doing it he made use of everything available that no other city planner had ever before considered seriously, if they had considered at all。

   在做那件事的时候,他将一切工具的用处都阐扬到了极至,而其他的城市设想者则历来没有认实考虑过那些,若是说他们曾经考虑过的话。2。 Trite praises came flowing into the books or to be printed onto pages only made the important issues difficultly understood and dim wisdom。

   已被写入书本的以及即将被写入档案文件的陈旧过时的评论,只会使重要的工作变得晦涩难懂。3。 The peaceful family life was not disturbed or interrupted by the use of a pen。

   家庭生活的安静没有被外界的议论所影响4。 The Angel of House was also appeared and nuisance whenever I tried to pen to paper。 不管我何时测验考试去写(某些欠好的工作),室第守护天使就会闪现而且令人厌恶。

  5。 It is generally believed that women writer suffers from the experience that they are incumbered or hindered with the manners and the customs in post upon by the male。

   总体上人们认为,女性做家老是遭到来自本身的履历,以及无形的来自男性的社会风俗的压力。6。 These girls should not be treated as unimportant they should be put on the constant of the version and the scrutiny。


1.In doing it he made use of everything available that no other city planner had ever before considered seriously, if they had considered at all. 让他来做那件事到时候,他把每个部门都互换起来(everything available你能够按照现实情况再改一下)。其他的城市规划者从未如许认实的研究过,若是他们阿谁也叫研究的话。时间有限,祝你好运,希望其他楼补上


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