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Watching the Asian Games is an unforgettable experience. The competition is fierce and exciting, with athletes from different countries showing their talents and skills. It's inspiring to see how hard they work and strive for victory, putting in so much effort and energy to achieve their goals.

The Asian Games also showcases the region's diverse cultures and traditions, providing an opportunity to learn and understand more about the different countries and their heritage. The atmosphere is electric, with cheers and chants echoing throughout the stadium, creating a sense of unity and camaraderie among the spectators.

However, the most significant aspect of the Asian Games is the sense of national pride and patriotism it evokes. Watching your country's athletes compete and win medals is an incredibly proud moment, making you feel a sense of belonging and affiliation with your country. It's also a chance to showcase your country's strengths and capabilities on the international stage, promoting its image and brand.

Overall, the Asian Games is an exciting and enriching experience that leaves you fe



田径 Athletics


铁人三项 Triathlon


马术 Equestrian


现代五项 Modern Pentathlon


公路自行车 Cycling Road


Cyclingng现场自行车 Track


山地自行车 Cycling Mountain Bike


Cycling小轮车 BMX Racing

Weightlift 举重 Table tennis 乒乓球

Gymnastic 体操 Parallel bars 双杠 

Horizontal bar 单杠  

Balance beam 平衡木 

Floor exercises 自由体操 

Pommel horse 鞍马 

Rings 吊环 Vault 跳马 

Uneven bars 高低杠

Babminton 羽毛球 Cycling 自行车 

Cycling raod race 公路自行车赛  Wrestling 摔跤 Equestrain 马术 

Dressage equestrain 马术盛装舞步 Archery 射箭 Track and field 田径 Hammer throw 铅球 

English billiards 台球 Shooting 射击 Air rifle event 气步枪 

Pistol shooting 手枪射击 

Prone rifle event 卧姿步枪  

25-meter rapid fire pistol shooting 25米速射手枪 

Skeet 双向飞碟  Tennis 网球  

Sofe tennis软排球 Bowling 保龄球 Baseball 棒球  Sailing 帆船 

Softball 垒球 Golf 高尔夫 Bodybuilding 健美 Water polo 水球 Swimming 游泳 

Beach volleyball 沙滩排球 

Squash 壁球 Judo 柔道 

Greco-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤 Basketball 篮球 Fencing 击剑 

Epee重剑术 Foil fencing 花剑 

Saber fencing 佩剑 Rowing 赛艇  Sculls rowing 双桨赛艇  

Fours with coxswain 四人单桨有舵手项目

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