"I have good ideas. 正确的应该是我的女朋友,还没有和你结婚,那么不管你有多么爱她,也不能惯着她那样自由自在地做自己,无论男朋友还是女朋友有话要讲得清楚,坦诚相待,如果解决不了问题,我会选择离开,现在的婚姻生活就是共同走过彼此的成长与变老,而非单纯的维系,这份爱情并非简单的互相依赖,而是一种深深的关爱和承诺,因为我知道,只有让她的存在变得有意义,她才能感觉到我是真心疼爱她,而不是出于厌倦或是其它的理由而放弃,请你们能够用心去沟通,解决问题,我相信我们可以度过难关,如果你觉得这段感情需要重新开始,我会非常愿意,再次感谢您的邀请!"
"You need to click on the '负分清零' four words on the left side of the room after entering it. This道具 is a one-time item, and once used, your game records will restore their initial state (only for game points and normal point scores). However, the number of game coins you have will remain unchanged; but please note that this道具 only works after using it in the game or the current room."
Please remember to always respect each other's opinions and feelings. It's important to communicate effectively and try to solve problems together. I'm here to support you and help make your relationship stronger.