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  • 管理员
  • 注册排名6
  • 经验值495930
  • 级别管理员
  • 主题99186
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"The first book that comes to mind is "Education局长", which tells the story of an engineer who unexpectedly gets a world-renowned hacker's computer and uses his skills to become a top-notch IT expert. The second book, "Crazy Disk", follows the journey of a college student who gains access to a world-class hacker's hard drive through determination and eventually becomes a leading figure in the IT industry. The third book, "Coloring Space", is a touching love story with Buddhist themes. The fourth book, "Saving Marriage", tells the tale of a warm-hearted couple and their efforts to save their marriage. Lastly, "Medical Master", where one person receives a historical work on Confucius, becomes a renowned doctor. His martial arts prowess makes him competitive around the world, and he endeavors to promote Chinese medicine worldwide, along with international battles."


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