Last summer, I went on a trip to the beach and had a great time swimming and building sandcastles. 这句话用简单的英语表达了去海边旅行的经历,适合五年级的学生理解。
My family and I visited a famous landmark during our vacation. We took lots of pictures to remember the experience. 这句话描述了一次家庭旅行去参观一个著名地标,并留下了珍贵的回忆。
When I travelled abroad, I tried new foods like sushi and learned about their culture. 这句话表达了在外出旅行时尝试了新的食物并了解了当地文化。
During our road trip, we stopped at a beautiful national park and hiked to see breathtaking views of the mountains. 这句话描述了一次长途旅行途中的风景观景经历。
In our camping trip, I stayed in a cozy cabin in the woods and enjoyed roasting marshmallows over the campfire. 这句话使用了旅行相关的词汇和句式结构,表达了在一个森林中的小木屋度过的露营之旅。